Types of contact lenses
Manufacture of contact lenses first started in the nineteenth century, but the lenses were made of glass. It was only in 1939 when the first plastic contact lenses appeared. Flexible lenses were introduced in 1971, and since then optical industry has made a lot of progress in this area. There are rigid oxygen permeable lenses, flexible lens with extended life-duration, frequent replacement lenses with flexible or disposable lenses, anti-UV lenses, cosmetic lenses (colored), lenses that are worn at day and at night. Contact lenses and care products meet quality standards so that vision is associated with comfort in disinfection efficiency.
The advantages of contact lenses
To correct visual defects or metropolitan patients can choose today between three different possibilities: the classic method - glasses, contact lenses or surgery as a curative option. Each option has both advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages of contact lenses compared with spectacles refer to the absence of distortions and poor peripheral prismatic effect. That is, the limited the field problems, the phenomena of fog and embarrassment caused by sports activities disappear. Contact lenses allow more efficient correction of corneal astrophysics Eye problems occur because of poor hygiene or inappropriate wearing of lenses. If the lenses are held too long, this causes insufficient oxygen to the cornea, with irreparable damage.

The contact lens may be perceived as a foreign body, generating allergic reactions or irritation. If the lenses are improperly maintained, they will be an excellent means of developing bacteria, which cause eye infections. If such negligence is avoided, contact lenses are the perfect option for people with eye diseases.
Complications brought by wearing contact lenses
Over the past 50 years, millions of contact lens wearers were satisfied with their reliability. Only a small percentage of people have had difficulty in wearing lenses, but even if problems are rare, they can become serious. Almost all complications were due to poor hygiene and contact lens maintenance. People who wore lenses did not clean and disinfected them, according to doctor’s advice, did not have annual eye checks recommended by the doctor.
- allergies to chemicals contained by maintenance solutions;
- conjunctivitis;
- cracks in the lenses;
- irritation of the cornea;
- protein deposits on the lens;
- damage of the top layer of the cornea by the lens that is not well placed;
- complications in the eyelid;
- eye irritation;
- dry eye;
- foreign body sensation in eyes.
Avoiding problems caused by lens
Consequences mentioned above and many other ailments related to wearing contact lenses could be easily avoided if those involved would remain in contact with the ophthalmologist for regular checks and if they cleaned properly the lens and the frame and if they set the directions of medical maintenance. Each type of contact lens needs special care. The offer range in this area can lead to people’s confusion regarding the hygiene required by their type of lenses. In case of doubt, please see a specialist and avoid any form of personal experiences. The consultation will prevent medical complications, give yourself the opportunity to take full advantage of the benefits of contact lenses.
10 Tips for wearing suitable contact lenses
1. Test lenses for a week, then return to the specialist who will decide the result.
2. Never clean lenses with saliva, by putting them in your mouth, and never rinse them with tap water (risk of bacterial contamination).
3. Always follow specific maintenance directions regarding your type of lenses.
4. Clean the lens container and change it every six 6 months.
5. Do not sleep with contact lenses only if they are specifically designed for being worn at night.
6. If you want to swim and wear lenses, use swimming goggles.
7. Do not wear old lenses which must be changed and also do not wear another person's lenses.
8. If irritation appears, remove lenses and see an eye specialist.
9. Wear sunglasses if you are outside, exposed to wind or sun.
1o. Replace lenses regularly according to manufacturer's recommendation, do not wear them longer than the expected period.
Contact lenses for children
Children are perfect candidates for contact lenses. In some cases these lenses are prescribed, even for babies. The question is: is the child mature enough to be responsible for his lenses and is his direction sufficient for the insertion and removal of lenses? Studies show that those with ages between 11 and 13 are able to use the lenses and take care of them. To decide on children's ability to wear lenses, parents should see a specialist. Maintenance is much easier today, it only takes a few minutes. Looks are very important for children and so lenses can be more easily accepted than glasses.
Sometimes, children are cruel to each other and just because a child is wearing glasses, he may be dismissed from a group, the other children could avoid playing with him, he could be mocked and bullied, which will make him suffer terribly. In addition, various studies have shown that as infant visual development is not finished, wearing contact lenses may retard the progression of myopia. Another possible advantage is the alternation between lenses and glasses, allowing a child to use them both alternately, depending on the circumstances and his own desire.
Parents’ Precautions
- Before trying contact lenses, go with the child to see a specialist.
- Make sure your child understands the specific hygiene rules.
- The child must understand that the lenses must not be exchanged with other friends.
- Before going swimming, remove your child’s contact lenses or ask him to wear swimming goggles.
- Any eye irritation, red or watery eyes and lenses require medical check.
- The child must have with lens pouch filled with cleaning solution so that he is able, if necessary, to keep them safely.
- Talk to your eye doctor, who will help you choose the best type of lenses for your child's eyes.
Eyes are the essential part of the human body for vision as well as for the beautification of a person. For more to explore about the eyes and beauty and healthy tips must explore to this Wizpaper
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