Sunday, 29 September 2013

Jasmine Flowers Oil Benefits | Origin | History

Benefits of Jasmine oil
The scientific name of jasmine is Jasminum officinale. It is called as chameli in Hindi language. Delicate jasmine flowers are shaped like stars and have a floral-fruity fragrance which is so exotic that it fills the air around it with passion and love. If the rose is considered as the “Queen of Flowers”, jasmine is considered as the “King of Flowers”. Jasmine belongs to the Oleaceae or olive family of shrubs, plants, trees, and vines. Oleaceae family has approximately 500 species of shrubs and plants and jasmine is one among them. Jasmine is a climbing shrub that reaches about 6 meters in height. Climbing shrubs means that a shrub will scramble on walls or climb on fences, bankings, tress, etc. Jasmine flowers are usually white in color and are shaped like a star, although some species are yellow and have an intense aroma that is sweet and refreshing. Jasmine flowers gather in small clusters.
There are over 200 species of jasmine, but the essential oil of jasmine is extracted only from two varieties, namely Jasminum grandiflorum and Jasminun officinalis as mentioned above. According to botanical history and symbolism, jasmine flowers were first introduced by Arabs who used to call them “Yasmyn” flowers; therefore, Yasmyn is the word from where jasmine’s latest name comes from. Ancient people have attributed a lot of aphrodisiac effects with jasmine flowers. Among the Chinese culture, jasmine is famous for its green tea which is one of their favorite drinks. In India, jasmine flowers are famous for their essential oil which is extracted by placing these flowers amid warm sesame seeds and shelled to acquire the smell of jasmine. This aromatic smell of jasmine is loved by millions of men and women of all ages around the world. For fashion and beauty purposes, jasmine oil is also used as an additional ingredient in body and face skin products. Jasmine flowers are abundantly used in India to extract aromatic oils. Jasmine is also used here for ceremonial purposes. Jasmine is also a widely used ingredient in perfume and cologne.

Jasmine Flowers

Benefits of Jasmine flowers and their oil
Aromatherapy oil made up of jasmine flowers works like an antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic on the human body. Jasmine flowers are natural aphrodisiacs. Jasmine essential oil is a natural galactagogue which also aids in childbirth. Jasmine oil is also sedative and tonic. Aroma of jasmine flowers is warm, sensual, reassuring, and inspires a love of life when everything seems boring and there is no fun in life. Emotionally, jasmine flower oil reduces stress and depression. It calms the nerves and stimulates sensuality. Jasmine flower oil helps overcome anxiety and lack of confidence. Jasmine flower oil instills optimism, indifference and combat postpartum depression. As an aphrodisiac, jasmine helps combat erectile dysfunction. Perfume made up of natural jasmine flowers promotes a sensual environment that is suitable for passion.

Jasmine Flowers Oil for girl
sexy Jasmine Flowers Oil

On the physical level, jasmine relieves pain and muscle spasms. Jasmine fights infections, reduces inflammation, and removes excess mucus from the glands. As mentioned above, jasmine flower oil facilitates delivery and works like an analgesic in childbirth. As a galactagogue, jasmine oil stimulates flow of milk at the time of lactation. Jasmine oil softens and soothes the skin. Jasmine oil used in skin creams helps combat wrinkles and dry and sensitive skin, inflamed skin, and oily skin and scalp. Jasmine oil stops the growth of bacteria and regulates oily secretions of skin. Jasmine flower oil is good for organs of males as it strengthens them and is also helpful with prostate problems.


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